The Field Experience
A coaching discipleship cohort for husbands, fathers, and men who want to lead well.

Tender & Fierce is an 8-week LIVE online group coaching cohort where you learn body-based tools to help you heal, and reclaim who you are.

Get our one-of-a-kind biblically-based emotional intelligence (EQ) curriculum. Helping kids learn the life skills they need, but don't learn in school.
The Journey Starts Here!
Sign up for our FREE Famous at Home Starter Bundle and receive the 7 Decisions to Put Your Family Center Stage workbook, Feelings Charts for your kids, and exclusive access to our latest content.
Plus get access to our weekly members-only devotional. Designed to help you be famous at home.

Subscribe to our Podcast
Dr. Josh + Christi share the joys of marriage, parenting, and emotional and spiritual growth.

Big Emotions in Little Bodies
Help your kids name their feelings and know how to manage them with our library of family resources.
Online coaching resources to revive your family
Our online series are easy to access and full of strategies to equip you in your journey.

Build Your Family Mission + Vision
Your Family Purpose is a comprehensive step-by-step plan helping you build a rock-solid marriage, enter your child's world, create family rhythms, and clarify the values you want to live by.

Be Truly Present at Home
4 Necessary Rhythms for Being Truly Present at Home is a 4-session study on prioritizing how to "show up" for your biggest fans under your roof. Sessions include topics on the rhythms of mindset, environment, emotions, and vision.

Raise Kids Who Live, Love, and Lead Well
Safe House: How Emotional Safety is the Key to Raising Kids Who Live, Love, and Lead Well is a 6-week online study that helps you cultivate an environment of emotional safety for your kids.